Installations Sculpture

Flakturm, Abstracted

Sebastian Lehner
Flakturm, Abstracted, 2019
cardboard, colorful papier-mâché
121 x 79 x 38 cm

The sculptural installation Flakturm, Abstracted (2019) concerns Austria’s National Socialist past on the basis of the Vienna flak towers (Flaktürme). It proposes a new way to approach a difficult and dark cultural heritage such as giant, irremovable objects that remind one of Austrian complicity in the horrors of WWII.

Flakturm, Abstracted (2019) is a sculpture of the Esterhazypark Leitturm…as a Piñata. Consisting of cardboard and colorful papier-mâché, this piñata is a Flakturm that can be “smashed to pieces” in a playful act.

Through Flakturm, Abstracted (2019), tension and resolution are closely combined in a form of active engagement, that represents a society struggling to come to terms with its past.

Arts & Craft Mixed Media


Sebastian Lehner
Pushbag, 2018
Fabric, cotton bags, transparent coloured film, goggles

In Zeiten politischer Verhärtung zeigt die Arbeit Pushbag spielerische Möglichkeiten auf, wie aus alltäglichen Accessoires schützende Kopfbedeckungen entstehen können.

Workshop “Widerständiges Nähen” @ Oskar nimmt Platz, 2018
Universität für angewandte Kunst, Wien

Photos ©️ Simon Brugner

Installations Light Mixed Media


Sebastian Lehner
Becoming (der traum zu werden), 2018
Mixed Media, Installation, C-prints
Size Variable